Scope object for composables that can draw rich text.
RichTextScope facilitates a context for RichText elements. It does not behave like a State or a CompositionLocal. Starting from BasicRichText, this scope carries information that should not be passed down as a state.
Draws a block quote, with a BlockQuoteGutter drawn beside the children on the start side.
A specially-formatted block of text that typically uses a monospace font with a tinted background.
Creates a formatted list such as a bullet list or numbered list.
A section heading.
A simple horizontal line drawn with the current content color.
A panel to show content similar to Bootstrap alerts, categorized as InfoPanelType.
A panel to show content similar to Bootstrap alerts, categorized as InfoPanelType. This composable is a shortcut to show only text in an info panel.
Draws a table with an optional header row, and an arbitrary number of body rows.
Renders a RichTextString as created with richTextString.
Creates an OrderedMarkers that will cycle through the values in markers for each indentation level given the index.
Creates an UnorderedMarkers that will cycle through the values in markers for each indentation level.
Sets the RichTextStyle for its children.
The current RichTextStyle.