Package-level declarations
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class InlineContent(initialSize: Density.() -> IntSize? = null, placeholderVerticalAlign: PlaceholderVerticalAlign = AboveBaseline, content: @Composable Density.(alternateText: String) -> Unit)
A Composable that can be embedded inline in a RichTextString by passing to RichTextString.Builder.appendInlineContent.
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A special type of AnnotatedString that is formatted using higher-level directives that are configured using a RichTextStringStyle.
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class RichTextStringStyle(val boldStyle: SpanStyle? = null, val italicStyle: SpanStyle? = null, val underlineStyle: SpanStyle? = null, val strikethroughStyle: SpanStyle? = null, val subscriptStyle: SpanStyle? = null, val superscriptStyle: SpanStyle? = null, val codeStyle: SpanStyle? = null, val linkStyle: TextLinkStyles? = null)
Defines the SpanStyles that are used for various RichTextString formatting directives.
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Convenience function for creating a RichTextString using a Builder.
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fun RichTextScope.Text(text: RichTextString, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onTextLayout: (TextLayoutResult) -> Unit = {}, softWrap: Boolean = true, overflow: TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Clip, maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE)
Renders a RichTextString as created with richTextString.
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inline fun RichTextString.Builder.withFormat(format: RichTextString.Format, block: RichTextString.Builder.() -> Unit)